Monday, May 25, 2015

A Prayer on Memorial Day

Heartbroken God,

Today, many of us will break from routine
and its responsibilities.
We’ll fire up barbeques and lawn mowers.
We’ll hike the cool woods
or swing lazily in hammocks.
We’ll splash about in swimming pools
or lakes,
or rivers,
or oceans.
We will not intend it,
but by effect, much of our play
on Memorial Day
will be
to forget.

Help us to remember, O God.
And help us to remember
with the heart and mind of your Christ,
the Prince of Peace.

Help us to remember
that you did not create human beings
to perform or behold
the brutalities of war.
Yet, for countless years,
across the globe,
our proud denials have reduced
your holy names to battle cries,
your cross to flagpoles,
your church to Caesars’ outposts,
and your beloved children to
(Dear God, forgive us)

Help us to remember
those who have,
by requirement or resolve,
been thrown into
realities unimaginable
to the rest of us.
Help us to remember all of
the husbands,
the fathers,
the wives,
the mothers,
the daughters,
the sons,
the sisters,
the brothers,
the grandparents,
the grandchildren,
the aunts,
the uncles,
the friends,
the enemies…
who have perished
         (and all of the above)
in war,
the near-perfect affront
to Perfect Love.

Help all humankind to remember
those who’ve died
and killed,
so that in remembering we begin to die
to our despair and fears,
such staunch veracities,
even here,
                           in the midst of your Creation
your magnificent Self-Disclosure.

Help us to remember,
and to heal those come home broken.
Help us to remember,
and to comfort those whose apple’s eyes
do not come home at all.

Help us, God.
Help us to remember
         with lives of fearless peace.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

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